International Relations
Mobility for study (period of study at partner universities) is encouraged towards:
EU countries (Erasmus)
Non-European countries (bilateral agreements)
Incoming: Finland, Germany, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Brazil, France, China
Outgoing: Spain, Brazil, France, Germany
Double degree
The double degree is a path that allows the achievement of a degree in both Management of Built Environment and another different and complementary degree. It is promoted in the following forms:
A) Internal Double Degree – internal project at the Politecnico di Milano (@Polimi – Management of built Environment/Urban Planning Policy Design)
B) International Double Degree (Application during first call in December of first year of Master Programme + Mobility during second year of Master Programme)
International double degree
Students participating in the Double Degree program obtain the Degree of the Politecnico di Milano and that of the partner institution, after having acquired a total of 150 or 180 CFU at the two institutions, depending on the agreement. After discussing the thesis – according to the methods agreed with the partner institution – the students will then obtain two degree diplomas with two separate grades.