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The building industry’s economic role is a key one. It generates new jobs, targets economic growth and supplies solutions to new social, climatic and energy challenges. Its strong bonds with other sectors also means that its impact on the GDP and economic development goes well beyond the direct contribution of construction.

Within this market one of the most interesting spheres of employment impact and the significance of related economic results relates to the management of the built environment, i.e. that activity whole designed to ensure the maintenance and modernisation over time of real estate performance, maximising its profitability and/or market value.

This laurea magistrale (equivalent to master in science) programme in Management of the Built Environment – Gestione del Costruito – lauree class LM-24 Building Systems Engineering – trains professionals capable of working across the whole building process (design, building, use and management) with specific in-depth study in the know-how required for the management of the real estate patrimony. In fact, the programme trains experts in economic real estate value management and responds to new scenarios with certain characteristics marking out this laurea magistrale:

  • it is not a continuity laurea with any three year laurea programme;
  • it is the only laurea magistrale which involves the partnership of two Politecnico di Milano schools: the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Building Engineering and the School of Industrial Engineering and Information;
  • it is the only laurea which provides for credit free access to graduates from various Politecnico three year laurea;
  • it is a laurea which responds to market demands for multi-disciplinary professionals (architecture, economics, building and civil engineering).

Graduates find career outlets in various building process spheres both with studios and design and management firms. Special interest has been detected in the real estate firms, large scale institutions responsible for the real estate patrimony (banks and insurance firms, for example) and more generally firms working in the real estate markets.