General presentation of the study programme

As is well-known, the role of the building sector in the Italian and European economies is an important one because of the extent of the investment made, the mobilisation of material resources and jobs involved and also the knock-on effects in other industrial sectors.

In this market, one of the most interesting environments in occupational repercussions terms and for the significance of the economic interests involved is the so-called management of the built environment, namely those activities aimed at guaranteeing the maintenance and modernisation over time of a building’s performance in order to maximise its profitability and/or market value.

New skills are required of sector operators and the management of the built environment is therefore not a situational phenomenon but something that is continually taking shape as a true strategic development sector defined by a miscellaneous set of technical, economic, organisational, social and cultural factors including:

The result is innovation phenomena and the modification of traditional organisation assets, such as:

In response to the factors listed above and to needs strongly connected to the job market, the School is offering this Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) which is extremely innovative and unique in Italy.